Welcome to the Hall of Fame. This forum is an archive of the biographies of all of the clan's Legendary Members. These are members who, as the name of the title implies, have truly distinguished themselves and gone incredibly far above and beyond what has been expected of them in regards to their dedication and contributions to the clan. Legendary Members are hand picked by the entire leadership. Every Legendary Member candidate is thoroughly discussed and anytime that the title is awarded, an announcement will be made, as well as a biography topic in this forum. Information about the title and rank itself can be found below.
General description: Legendary Member status is the highest non-leadership rank one can achieve in the clan. This status is only given to clan members who have gone far above and beyond what is expected of them as Clan Members, or even as Senior Members. They have had a profound impact on the clan, and have left a deep footprint that has truly shaped the clan into what it is today. To honor their legacy, they are awarded the status of Legendary Member.
General Requirements: There are no official requirements to achieve legendary member status. However, below is a list of the types of things that will be sought out for consideration for legendary member status.
- Been in Subsistence for at least one year
- Maintained very high activity for the past six months
- Has held a leadership position
- Goes above and beyond the expectations of Senior Member
- Has left an overall significant impact on the clan
- Continues to have a vision for the future of the clan
- Forum Rank
- Ventrilo Tag
- Kick and Ban powers in Ventrilo
- Bronze Cross in clan chat
- Senior Lounge access
- Biography post in The Hall of Fame
- Super Moderator Status on the forums
- Legendary Member for life