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#1 MiniBandGeek


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Posted 13 June 2016 - 11:55 AM


It's high time I made this post, isn't it?
My name is Christopher. Online, I go by a variety of tags, including Chrispy, MiniBandGeek, and the first name I ever used on Runescape, Chris55556. I created my account way back in 2006 or so, made decent progress in the game, but abruptly lost access to what dial-up internet I had, essentially ending my access to the game.
A few years later, I took up Runescape again from the public library. It was at this time, on June 16th, 2009, that I went on RuneHQ and followed an ad leading to The Runite Legion. I had no clue at the time about what had transpired between the new and old TRL, and still having limited internet, never found the time to ask. However, playing with a group of friends behind me gave me and my level 32 N00b account rejuvinated life.

As the first few months passed, the clan expanded. Advertising efforts expanded, new roles were added and members (many of them now Legendary) stepped into them, and a large debate began about renaming the clan. Through this, I found out about the history of the clan, how members like Christian attempted to breathe new life into The Runite Legion and was banned for his efforts, about how he rallied a small guard of others around his cause to form a new clan, and how they split off to form a new clan. Simply knowing this history, how close I was to being part of the split, made me feel great pride in choosing the clan that I did.
Eventually, we settled on our new name from this history, Subsistence. It was a name that spoke of the TRL slowly being strangled by itself, but finding new life. It was a name that implied survival when survival should never be possible. It was the name of a clan that we could all take pride in being part of.
My next big phase in Subsistence came as a member of the advertising team. Through the end of 2009 and into 2010, I served the clan by updating recruitment posts on larger community forums and helping out with recruitment in any way I could.
The clan continued to grow with and around me. New administrative positions were added, leaders stepped down and stepped up. Various dramas occured, most of which I'd be happier not to remember. Eventually, in the spring of 2010, I took up one of the roles I had been aspiring to, Advertising Leader, where I doubled down our efforts.
Suddenly, the unthinkable happened.
On what I believe to be April 2, 2010, all accounts and posts on our forum vanished without a trace. 10 months of history had been simply erased, and with it, a very confused memberbase nearly disappeared. On Runescape, we tried to assemble. One of the admins with Christian's contact information tried to reach him, while the ten or twenty of us that were there that morning tried to puzzle out what had happened.
In the end, it turned out a technical glitch had wiped the forum. Everyone was required to remake their account, recreate important posts. I spent the day and days after on Runescape as much as I could, directing members to recreate their old accounts. In the meantime, I had a tizzy trying to regain lost Recruitment Team information, from the source BBC text for the recruitment post to the login information for the various accounts and, in many cases, the emails those accounts were tied to.
None of this was my effort alone. From the leaders to the newest active members (including a few that joined midway through the forum crash), everyone worked together to rebuild. In the end, it ended up bringing a lot of good. Old forum accounts that were no longer active were unintentionally pruned, cleaning up our member list. Younger members that stepped in made a name for themselves in the aftermath. What came to be known as the Forum Meltdown became a historic event in Subsistence's history.
After this point, my memory of the order and timing of different events fails me. I created a text graphic to promote the clan, as opposed to the blocks of text we used before, and made an even better one with the collaborative help of members like Steph, who helped me with the graphics. I began a yearly event for Subsistence's birthday, featuring a plethora of mini-games and a focus on recruitment. I was promoted to Administrator, where I took on even more duties with clan management, and continued to push new things like citadel management and various events, recruitment or otherwise.
With my memory faded my activity. In 2012, I recognized that I was pursuing too much in my life, and made the decision to cull my goals in Runescape. I stepped down as administrator and faded to the background, but my footprints can still be seen across the forums.
So where am I now? As of the writing of this post, I am a junior at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA, pursuing a B.S. in Music Education, with a focus on trombone (Yes, do the math, I was 13 when I first became Advertising Leader!!). I game relatively little these days, mostly keeping up with Zelda and Pokemon titles, but occasionaly compete locally in Super Smash Brothers for Wii U, and have purchased a Funorb membership solely for Arcanists. Parkour/Freerunning is my passion but not yet my hobby, and I type this from the farm I grew up on, where I still help raise cattle.
It's funny where life takes you, and I believe Subsistence has carried me a great portion of the way. Subsistence's story and my own share a lot - about the world pushing you one way while you push back, about making friends and rivals, having tremendous downfalls and great successes, and carrying them both with pride and humility. There's too many people here for me to thank, and too many more that I've since forgotten the names of (Faskis's original name RIP). So... For shaping me into who I am and giving me something to enjoy in the meantime, thank you, Subsistence. We shall live on!
I'll come back to these forums every now and then to remember. If anyone ever wants to get ahold of me and I'm not here (aside from spammers, damn you to hell), you can catch me pretty easily on my reddit account, /u/MiniBandGeek. Peace~

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#2 MJDurlak


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Posted 14 June 2016 - 06:04 PM

i love you Mini <3  :lol:


great post!

  • Seán and MiniBandGeek like this
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